AKC Breed Video
Order #B-AIR101 VT $24.95
Airedale Champions
1952-1986..Order #B-AIR201 SC $36.95
Airedale Annual 93-95 *
Specify year when ordering.
Order #B-AIR151 $40.00
Airedale Terriers
Miller (TFH/KW-1989)
Order #B-AIR301 $9.95
Airedale Terriers, Owner's Companion
Swash & Millar (1991)
Covers history and development, care and
management, showing and breeding, both
UK and US standards and champions.
172 pp. / photos / 1991 / UK
Order #B-AIR215 $39.95
Karlo Dog
37 poems concerning the relationship between the
author, his wife, and their constant companion Karlo
the Airedale. Illus. w/ line drawings.
Leonard (1989)
Order #B-AIR901 SC $19.95
New Airedale Terrier, The
Dutcher & Framke (HWL-1990)
Order #B-AIR401 $27.95
Wake Up, Mr. B!
Child's picture book. Rosie awakens too early for her
family, but finds a willing companion for adventure
in Mr. B.
Dale (1988)
28 pp. / illus. / color / 1988
Order #B-AIR903 $14.95
Working Airedale
Much more than a "breed book," this newest Airedale
title presents a comprehensive history of the working
Airedale in North American and Britain, furnishing a
record of the breed's accomplishments in the service
of man, and a reminder to all owners not to forget the
unique capabilities of the breed.
Cummins (1994)
191 pp. / photos / 1994
Order #B-AIR904 $24.95
Out-of-Print, In Stock
Airedale, The
Haynes (1922)
Order #B127 HC $25.00
Airedale Terrier, The
Buckley (1905)
107 pp. / 34 photos / 1905.
Repaired spine, o/w VG
Order #B-AIR1001 SC $125.00
92 pp. / 34 photos / 1927?
9th Rev. VG
Order #B-AIR1002 SC $125.00
Airedale Terriers, The
Order #B-AIR1003 $14.95
Airedale-A Treatise of the History, Breeding,
Care, and Treatment
Illus. w/ half-tones of famous dogs.
Bruette (3rd/1923)
189 pp. / photos / 3rd ed. / 1923
Order #B-AIR1004 SC $40.00
Bowen (1st/1950) VG+
One of the foremost breeders of Airedales in the
50's covers early history, breeding, showing,
training, breeding.
95 pp. / 12 photos / 1st ed. / 1950
Some foxing on fly leafs, o/w VG
Order #B-AIR1005 $60.00
Airedale for Work and Show, The
A. F. Hochwalt
The keynote of this book is that the Airedale
is a dog for use in any sphere-hunting, herding,
guarding, etc. -and should remain that way through
correct breeding & training. Hochwalt also presents
a comprehensive history of the breed.
130 pp. / photos/1st / 1921
Order #B-AIR1006 SC $60.00
All About Airedales
Fair, weak spine, SALE! Reg. $150.00 11th-1924
Order #B-AIR1007 As is SC $75.00
Modern Airedale-Its History, Breeding, Management,
and Exhibition, The
A nice copy of a very scarce book. 66 pp.,
Saunders (1st/1929)
66 pp. / illus. / 1st/1929
Order #B-AIR1008 $135.00
Thinking Dog's Man
Patrick (1st/1964)
Order #B-AIR1009 $19.95
Verdun Belle
Woolcott (1928)
In the days of the Town Crier in France, Verdun
Belle was an Airedale of suspect and humble
ancestry, with a heart of gold.
121 pp. / illus. / 1928
Order #B-AIR1010 $24.95